Welcome to the exclusive VIP podcast that comes directly from Coach Megan's "Mega Wins Masterclass".
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About this episode:
EPISODE 01: The D.R.E.A.M Approach Framework to Mindset Shift
1. Breakdown of Megan's D.R.E.A.M framework to totally rewire your mindset and get it ready for entrepreneurship.
2. How to eliminate/manage wrong time and toxic environments and relationships.
3. How to get yourself motivated.
4. How to plan professionally for your entrepreneurship journey and pragmatic, applicable tips on how to get good with planning and time management.
5. How to make the most of deadlines and how to create in yourself a sense of accountability.
6. Endless inspirational quotes throughout the conversation!
7. BONUS: You get to enjoy and dance along to the background music.
Extra Bonus: Read the corresponding article to this podcast for FREE: here.
So really.... what are you waiting for?
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Mega Wins Podcast - EP 01 - DREAM Mindset
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A: NO. You can not edit, nor remix the podcast episode in any way. You cannot delete words nor add foreign words.
You CAN request to share a snippet (of 60 seconds). Reach out to Megan for permission.