Our original Voyager Original Hoodie was more lightweight whereas we've upgraded it to a heavier Gildan cotton style, appropriate for Autumn/Winter.
Besides upgrading the quality, we've also reduced the price considerably.
- The Gildan hoodie is a pullover made of a polyester-cotton blend, and we are looking to release a HEMP based hoodie in the collection, soon.
- The blend is made with air-jetted yarn, which gives this upgraded hoodie a softer feel.
- It also reduces pilling: those little balls of material you find after washing most cotton shirts.
- All of this without drastically increasing the price to our loyal customers
We highly recommend ordering +1 size up to your usual size or +2 sizes if you are a fan of very baggy hoodies.
No refunds, no returns.
EVMO Voyager Hoodie (Upgraded)
Please order your size responsibly. We operate under a print on demand model and we can not accept refunds nor returns. We pay our workers on the go, upon your order. So honor them and be responsible with your purchases.