If you have experienced major loss in faith at some point in your life, then this book is for you.
If you do not believe in a higher power, then this book is also for you.
If you are a seeker of truth, or conversely, have concluded that you don't "need" to know if God exists, then this book is also for you.
If you are a trauma survivor of any kind, believe me, you want to know the wild story I have to tell you about who God is and how I met Him.
In this testimony, Megan Sanchez, CEO of EVMO News, will explain:
• What is an ''out of body experience''.
• How to search for the "Truth" in life.
• The difference between "fact" vs. "opinion" vs. "Unchangeable Truth".
• What it means to be "born again".
• How to reach the "end of yourself" and let go of your "self-legitimized" truths.
• What "spiritual warfare" is.
• Why ''religion'' is a ''dead work'' but relationship is a ''living work''.
• The reasons why some people fear the Truth.
• The reason why some people have rejected God's existence.
• Who are ''unbelieving believers''?
• What is ''resurrection power''?
• What is ''the glorious inheritance'' of the saints?
What this book is NOT about:
- This book is NOT about religion.
- This book is NOT an attempt to convert you.
- This book is NOT about Megan, but about how God appeared to Megan in real life.
- This book is NOT to be taken as a joke nor to be taken lightly.
Having said all of that, if you are courageous enough to dive into the frightening but glorious Truth, get ready to read life-changing words.
All for the small donation price of €7 for 207 pages because Megan wants to make a statement about this price!
"I want to make it available to everyone, even the ones who are financially struggling. As a matter of fact, if you can't afford €7 you can send a private message requesting for this e-book for FREE." - Megan Sanchez, CEO of EVMO News
God is more than just words on a page, and He wants to know you.
Leave what you thought was truth behind and give your Creator-God a chance to speak to you, love you and transform you!
"Just open your heart to listen to how God appeared to me in order for me to get this message to you. You will not regret it. God bless you!"
Born Again (2023)
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